Easy Cinnamon Almond Granola Recipe

Easy Healthy Granola from Acupuncturist Erin BrockmeyerEasy Cinnamon Almond Butter Granola


This isn’t a cooking website; it’s an acupuncture website, so why the recipe?

Much of what I talk about when counseling patients using Chinese medicine is food. Food is medicine, and my goal is to teach people that making your own food can be easy and worthwhile. You don’t have to spend hours slaving away or have access to fancy tools in order to prepare healthy food for you and your family.

Our goal at Solstice Natural Health is to fill the world with food that is both nutritious and delicious.

I created the following recipe today in my kitchen. My youngest son has a digestive issue that requires him to be dairy-free, low-starch, and free from all refined grains. In fact, he grains need to be a minimal part of his diet. He was eager to help mix all the dry ingredients before leaving for a hike in the Gorge with dad and big brother. Since I am recovering from a  cold, a sunny afternoon spent baking sounded like a good option before a busy work week.

Just a note before you gather your ingredients: all of the nuts are raw and unsalted. The maple syrup is organic grade B, and the oats are whole unprocessed and gluten-free. It would be very easy to make this grain-free — just take out the oats and substitute with 1 cup of coconut chips or a mix of other nuts.

Ingredients (makes about 7 cups)

1 1/2 cups chopped/slivered almonds

3/4 cup unsalted raw sunflower seeds

2/4 cups chopped pecans

1 cup shredded coconut

1 cup oats

1/4 cup coconut flour

1 cup raisins or goji berries

4 Tbs almond butter

2 Tbs melted coconut oil

1/2 cup maple syrup

1 1/2 Tbs cinnamon

1 tsp salt



  1. Preheat oven to 300.
  2. Put almond butter and coconut oil in glass bowl, and place on stove top to melt while oven is heating and you are mixing all other ingredients.
  3.  Combine all dry ingredients in mixing bowl. Mix well.
  4. Whisk maple syrup into melted almond butter and coconut oil. Pour mixture over dry ingredients.
  5. Mix ingredients by hand until well coated.
  6. Line jelly roll pan with parchment paper. Pour granola mixture into jelly pan and spread out evenly.
  7. Bake for 30 minutes. Stir and put back in for 5-10 more minutes if you prefer your granola more crunchy.
  8. Let granola fully cool before placing in airtight container for storage.  You can store your granola for about 4-6 weeks in an airtight glass jar on the counter, but I doubt it will last that long 🙂


Let me know what you think about the granola, or if you have any ideas for tasty changes. Happy eating!


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