Combat Chronic Inflammation Naturally

Raw sweet potato on light background - combat chronic inflammation

Chronic Inflammation is Messing Up Your Life

No one likes feeling bad. If someone asked you, “How would you like to have an achy lower back every day for the rest of your life?” After looking a bit fearfully at this obviously irrational person, you’d say, “I wouldn’t like it at all.” Yet here you are, and I can almost guarantee that you currently have some sort of chronic inflammation like this that you deal with every single (or nearly every single) day. 

You know what I’m talking about—how you feel like a 90-year-old when you wake up. Or the chronic headaches you get by the end of most work days. The vacillating between constipation and diarrhea — the chronically upset “sensitive” stomach.

But you live with it. You even learn to ignore it most of the time. You accept it as part of getting older (even if you’re only 35). Everyone has something, right? So, what’s the big deal?

These conditions stemming from chronic inflammation become so constant to us that we sadly learn to just live with them and with the lesser quality of life that goes with it. Don’t you deserve more? Think about your answer.

If you can think of one inflammatory health concern you have — your chronically stiff ankle, your monthly migraines, your arthritic hands, your thyroid disorder, your diabetes, and you can honestly say that you don’t mind having it, then either you are not being honest with yourself or you are accepting less from your life than you deserve. I won’t tell you that you can solve your health issue by reading this article. I’m not here selling magic beans. I’m just going to point out that you can probably do better, feel better, and live better. If this sounds appealing, read on.

Effects of Inflammation
It used to be that inflammation was only used when describing acute or arthritic pain. When your doctor told you something was inflamed, it was your hot, achy joint, newly sprained ankle, or maybe occasionally your colon. Now doctors are aware that almost every physical, and even potentially a lot of mental/emotional maladies stem from a root of inflammation. This article is not about the acute broken bone kind of inflammation — it’s about the chronic kind. The kind that makes life more problematic, the kind that gives you discomfort, or the kind that can kill you.

Inflammation is insidious.

It creeps up on you, at first, with no recognizable effects. It lies under the surface, slowly building until it makes itself known. How it makes itself known is almost as unique to you as is your thumbprint. There are generalizations, of course, like how chronic overuse of a tendon causes tendonitis, degeneration of a bone causes arthritis, colon inflammation causes colitis, hyper response to pollen leads to allergic rhinitis. 

If you have ever been diagnosed with anything that ends with -itis, you have inflammation in your body.

Not all diseases caused by inflammation end with the -itis tag, however, and many of the ones that don’t are the most severe with the most detrimental consequences. Heart disease involves inflammation, as does Hashimoto’s (thyroiditis), Lupus, diabetes, certain types of infertility, most likely fibromyalgia, possibly Alzheimer’s, and even certain types (and perhaps all types) of cancer.

That’s a pretty serious list with severe consequences. Inflammation’s effects are scary.

The Good News: Chronic Inflammation is not unchangeable

You can affect the levels of inflammation in your body.

If you already have symptoms of chronic inflammation — allergies, asthma, cardiovascular issues, high blood sugar, arthritis, an autoimmune disease, thyroid disorder, headaches, digestive problems, etc — what follows is not a suggestion as much as a “Call to Arms.”

The day to start is today. Right now.

This minute, make a choice to lower your inflammatory levels — drink a glass of water. Finish reading this article, and then get up and move. Make yourself a snack of good protein and fiber. Don’t stay up too late. Talk out a stressful situation with a friend or counselor. Get acupuncture. Eat some salmon.

Anti-inflammatory turmeric.

7 Ways to Decrease Chronic Inflammation

Decreasing inflammation is not a perfect science, and the details will differ for each of you. There is a ton of research out there, however, that gives a good starting point with generalizations.

1. Eat real food.
2. Stop smoking.
3. Stay hydrated.
4. Try acupuncture.
5. Get some exercise daily.
6. Get (enough) good sleep.
7. Prioritize your happiness.

Think about these seven suggestions right now. Reflect earnestly on each of them. Reread them and ask yourself if they seem reasonable or doable. There may be some that feel easier than others, and there may be some that sound unlikely. You may be inclined to come up with all the reasons you can’t do number 5 or why number 6 isn’t totally up to you because of your kids. Good.

Make your excuses. Write them down. Grab a piece of paper or open a document on your computer right now, and put down the above “Call to Arms Actions.” After each one, write in as much detail as possible why you could or could not do them. Put down every excuse, every fear, every exciting thing that each one brings up. 

Email them to me if you want, or leave your objections in a comment below. Share them with a friend or partner. Laugh at your excuses. Tell the computer how self-righteous I am for suggesting that these are possible. Think about them.

My goal is to help you help yourself become healthier. Look for my following article, which is all about my tip number one: Eat Real Food.

If it’s overwhelming, start simply and just read the articles and consider what I’m suggesting. Give me your excuses, and I’ll tell you how to make it work. Contact me for a free consultation by calling (503) 442-1205. Visit my website to find out more about what I can offer you.

Commit to reducing your chronic inflammation. You are worth it.

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